Weight Belt/ Belly Band in one, RDS pouch, double release/adjustment and cutaway system, GLH SYSTEMS design
"Our GLH designed weight belly band is designed for ease of installation and versatility. It can be easily attached to hip rings or harnesses without the need for additional tools or links. 3 D spacer foam body contact material is standard!
The cutaway system complies with international requirements, and the belly band can be used on its own as belly band with RDS pouch. The weight belt can be used on itself as well with or without the cutaway system.
The releases are certified for a strength of 2600 lbs, ensuring secure and reliable performance. The belly band is custom built to fit securely, preventing weight shift during canopy swoop.
When ordering, please provide your waist measurement in the notes section.
Customization options include custom sizing, phone pocket, and color options, for an additional $50 AU."
CONTACT US for more info.